CAM-TOOL is an Elite CAD/CAM system of C&G System Inc., a Japanese corporation, that addresses the needs of the Manufacturing Tooling Industry.

It is a five-axis-control-machining-center compatible, high-end CAD/CAM system with a hybrid CAM engine (Polygon and Surface Calculation). This Hybrid capability enables direct machining to be applied to materials with a high degree of hardness.



Surface calculation and polygon calculation

  • CAM-TOOL has both unique surface calculation technology and common polygon calculation technology. 
  • It addresses various milling demands such as precision, surface roughness, cost-effectiveness, deep milling, hard materials. 
  • CAM-TOOL achieves high precision and optimal milling by unique algorithm of "Surface calculation".

Highly efficient rough cutting by High feed radius cutter

  • “Z-level Rough Cutting with Multiple Tools (Round 2)” enables to prevent tool vibration and breakage of inserts by unique toolpath which has no partial contacts. 
  • It maximizes tool life and reduces cutting time even in machining hard materials.

Automatic recognition of remaining area

  • Efficient second roughing needs to recognize stock of previous process accurately. 
  • "Solid in previous process" recognizes remaining area automatically and creates efficient toolpaths. 
  • It recognizes the remaining area even from different direction.

  • Change of tool axis direction in simultaneous 5axis machining makes significant effect to surface quality. 
  • CAM-TOOL has "Smoothing" function to move the tilt and rotation axis gradually, as a result, it achieves ultra-high-quality surfaces.

Tool and holder catalogues manufacturers are available

  • Interference check and avoid interference needs accurate tool and holder shape definition. 
  • CAM-TOOL has "Tooling Database" which manages tools and its cutting conditions, and holder from major japanese tool and holder manufacturer. 
  • Tool shank shape can be defined with multiple taper shank and radius shape. Catalog data can be download from our support site.


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